FAQ and how to ...

FAQ und gewusst wie ...

Many roads lead to Rome ...
Questions upon questions: Is the newer form of home music still up to date, when you can enjoy music anytime, anywhere, even when you're on the go? Do you even have the time and leisure for it anymore? etc.
If so, how now? And if you have already explored the limits of TV soundbars and the automated, unexciting, uniform sound from So... & Co. has not made you happy come what may – there are still manufacturers and (intermediaries) of high sound fidelity for thrilling music enjoyment at home.
Why can only dynamic loudspeakers reproduce a trumpet convincingly and why does the phase-correct reproduction from a Scottish point sound source sound so much more spatial and natural than a normal loudspeaker with a separate tweeter?

You can find answers to this and much more about natural music reproduction here on our new website.
Technical data, manuals, press releases, etc. can now be found directly on the product pages.
In addition, under info you will find a lot of background information, which is continually being added to and completed.
The news blog occasionally provides additional information such as this.
And last but not least, the previous email newsletters can be found in the email archive at the bottom right.

But all theory is grey...
Nothing is better than your own experience with a hearing test from a specialist.
We wish you much musical enjoyment!